Elevate Your Public Speaking with ChatGPT prompts

Transform your public speaking journey with this innovative 60-minute course. This course will empower you to conquer the fear of public speaking with the assistance of ChatGPT, tailored advice, and interactive scenarios.
Duration: 1 Day
Hours: 1 Hour
Training Level: All Levels
Virtual Class Id: 50969
Single Attendee
$199.00 $332.00
6 month Access for Recorded
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About the Course:

This 60-minute course is designed to elevate your public speaking skills using the revolutionary ChatGPT. Dive into personalized modules, from conquering fear and crafting engaging presentations to creating polished, professional speeches. Harness the power of AI for real-time feedback, refine your delivery, and unlock the secrets to captivating any audience. Join us on this transformative journey to become a confident and compelling speaker!

Course Objective:

By the end of the course, you’ll be equipped with the tools and techniques to confidently speak in public, create impactful presentations, and continuously improve your communication skills by using ChatGPT. The focus will be on leveraging ChatGPT to enhance your public speaking skills, making it accessible and beneficial for everyone looking to refine their communication abilities.

Who is the Target Audience?

Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a beginner, this course provides valuable insights and practical tools to elevate your public speaking abilities. This class is for:

  • Professionals
  • Students
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Anyone with Public Speaking Anxiety

Basic Knowledge:

  • No prior experience is required. This course is designed for individuals at all skill levels.

Total Duration: 1 Hour
Prompt Engineering with ChatGPT introduction
Overcoming Public Speaking Fear with ChatGPT
Using ChatGPT to craft engaging presentations
Enhancing Presentation Skills with ChatGPT
Get personalized feedback from ChatGPT and AI Tools