Complete Linux Bootcamp- Master command line and shell scripting

Participants will learn file system navigation, permissions management, and ownership control.
Duration: 1 Days
Hours: 5 Hours
Training Level: All Levels
Virtual Class Id: 51584
Single Attendee
$199.00 $332.00
6 month Access for Recorded
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About the Course:

This course equips learners with the essential knowledge and skills to navigate and leverage the power of the Linux command line. Suitable for beginners and those with prior Linux experience, the course covers key topics such as Linux history, distributions, kernels, and shells.

Participants will learn file system navigation, permissions management, and ownership control. They will master various Linux commands for tasks like file management, text processing, networking, and system administration.

Automation with cron and crontab, as well as Linux security concepts including user and group management, firewall configuration, and system log monitoring, are also covered. Through hands-on exercises, participants apply their knowledge and develop practical skills, becoming proficient Linux users and administrators.

Course Objective:

In this course, you will:

  • Understand the Linux operating system and its distributions.
  • Differentiate between kernel types and shell varieties.
  • Navigate the file system hierarchy and manage permissions.
  • Master essential Linux commands for file and directory management, text processing, process management, system information, networking, package management, system administration, compression and archiving, system monitoring and performance, shell customization, and file transfer.
  • Automate tasks using cron and crontab.
  • Develop a foundation in Linux security, including user and group management, firewall configuration, and system log monitoring.
  • Gain hands-on experience through practical exercises and projects.
  • Boost productivity and efficiency by harnessing the power of the Linux command line and shell scripting.
  • Prepare for Linux administration or development roles.

Who is the Target Audience?

  • Anyone who wants to start a career in Linux
  • Anyone who wants to advance his/her career
  • Anyone who wants to master the Linux command line skills
  • Developers, programmers, IT Professionals, Sysadmin, Network Engineer, Support Engineer, DevOps Engineer, Solution Architect 

Basic Knowledge:

  • Familiarity with basic computer concepts and terminology
  • Understanding of operating systems and their functionalities
  • While prior experience with Linux is not required, a basic understanding of command-line operations will be beneficial for learning and practicing the concepts covered in this course.

Total Duration: 5 Hours
Overview of Linux and its history
Differentiating Linux distributions
What is Kernel and different types of Kernels
What is Shell and different types of Shell
Understanding the Linux file system hierarchy
Working with permissions and ownership
File and Directory Management: ls, cd, pwd, cp, mv, rm, mkdir, rmdir, find, touch
Text Processing: cat, grep, awk, sed, sort, cut
File Permissions and Ownership: chmod, chown, chgrp, umask
Process Management: ps, top, kill, bg, fg
System Information: uname, df, free, uptime, who
Linux Networking: ping, ifconfig, netstat, ssh, scp
Package Management: apt, apt-get
System Administration: sudo, systemctl, crontab, fdisk, fdisk
Compression and Archiving: tar, zip, unzip, gzip
System Monitoring and Performance: top, htop, iostat, vmstat, sar
Shell Customization: alias, history, export
File Transfer and Remote Access: scp, sftp, ssh, rsync
Shell Scripting: If-then scripts, For loop scripts, do-while scripts, Case statement scripts
Cron and Crontab
Linux Security Concepts
Linux User and Group Management: useradd, usermod, userdel, groupadd, groupmod, groupdel
Linux Firewall Configuration: iptables, ufw
Monitoring System Logs: syslog, journalctl